DAM Sales Statistics For Julio Feliz

The list below shows all the DAM CDs you've sold. The prices listed below do not include tax or shipping.

Date    CD name    Price    Quantity    Order total

   Ordered from

1999-10-03    Early Music    $5.99    1    $5.99    Brazil
1999-10-03    Jungle    $6.99    1    $6.99    Brazil
1999-12-04    Early Music    $5.99    1    $5.99    Australia
1999-12-30    Early Music    $5.99    1    $5.99    Italy
Total: 4    $24.96
- 50% MP3.com commission: - $12.48
MP3.com owes you: $12.48

Checks are mailed out quarterly, if you are owed $50 or more. Smaller amounts are carried over to the next quarter.

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